Connecting TripAdvisor
Checkle can sync your business attributes to TripAdvisor.
Cole Rickles
Last Update vor 3 Monaten
You will not typically have to do this step. Checkle should be able to connect to your TripAdvisor profile without any intervention from you.
However, in rare circumstances it is best if you send an invite to Checkle. Here is how to do that.
How to connect your TripAdvisor profile
1. Log into your TripAdvisor Business Profile
Here is the link:

2. Be sure you are looking at 'Your Business' from the business point of view and not from a consumer point of view.
Choose the business that is working with Checkle if you have multiple businesses.

3. Click on 'Help and Settings'

4. Click on 'Manage User Access'

5. Click on 'Invite New User'

6. Invite the email '[email protected]'