Responding to reviews with Checkle

You can use Checkle to respond to your reviews

Cole Rickles

Last Update 3 months ago

Each platform is unique on how they work with 3rd parties like Checkle.

Google and Facebook

For Google and Facebook, you can respond in Checkle without having to go out to your specific Google and Facebook profile.

Here’s how:

  1. From your review feed, click on the word “Respond”.

  2. You will see a window pop up with more specific info on the review.

  3. Type in your response in the empty square.

  4. Click the “Submit” button in Checkle’s interface.

Within 10 minutes your review response will show up on your profiles.

Yelp, TripAdvisor, and OpenTable

These platforms operate differently than the other 2. Here is how to respond to a review on each of these profiles:

  1. Click on the ‘Respond’ button in your review feed.

  2. Type up your response in Checkle.

  3. Click on the “Copy Response and Go to Yelp” button.

    1. This button will take you directly to the review on the platform you received the review on.

  4. Follow the instructions for whichever platform you have received the on to respond to the review.

  5. Be sure you confirm that the review has been marked as ‘Responded’ in the review feed to keep your stats clean.

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